Today's Conservative News

Alana Mastrangelo

Mastrangelo: How Columbus Day Became a Holiday to Combat Racism Against Italian Americans

The origins of Columbus Day — commemorating Italian explorer Christopher Columbus — stem from efforts to combat racism against Italian immigrants, who endured everything from racial epithets to lynch mobs when they first arrived to the United States. Today, in the era of wokeness, Italian Americans face a new type of mob, one that seeks to ban the federal holiday celebrating Italian heritage.

Alyssa Milano Rants About ‘How F**ked Up America Is Right Now,’ Supreme Court ‘Abusers’ at Abortion Rally

Left-wing activist and actress Alyssa Milano ranted about how “fucked up Americans right now” and a Supreme Court that she claims is “packed with abusers.” The “Who’s the Boss” star also insisted that “this is the most dangerous time to be a woman in America,” and called on men to “use your privilege to destroy your own privilege.

Apple Joins Google in Blacklisting Parler

Apple has removed social media platform Parler from its App Store, claiming that the platform has not adequately implemented moderation policies that crack down on free speech. Google banned Parler from its Android app store on Friday.