Today's Conservative News

Andrew Stuttaford

The Coming Green New Dole

On the menu today: climate follies, minimum-wage follies, “robber baron” myths, Crocs’ pandemic surge, and COVID-19’s long-term economic scarring.

Twitter’s Merkel Problem

On the menu today: Twitter’s escape into a trap, the boredom market hypothesis, losing a Bitcoin password, Rhodium’s colossal run, and monkeys and money.

Well, That’s a Relief

On the menu today: Relief at last (plus added waste), the wisdom (or not) of lockdowns, bubble watch, chicken sandwich mania, and an antitrust refresher.

The Fed Joins the Climate Club

On the menu today: the Fed joins the climate club, the end of the free Internet (maybe), California (still) looking at tax increases, New York’s food vendor crunch, and a worrying case for leveraged buyouts.

The Capital Note: Betting on Gridlock

On the menu today: Gridlock, Georgia, a win for pensioners over ESG, San Francisco self immolates (a bit more), Barr’s European co-belligerents, stamping on Ant, and Adam Smith — Ladies’ Man.