A Broken Market and ‘Rational’ Bubbles
The week of January 18: Rational bubbles, Davos’ questionable guest, the long road to a quick vaccine, and much, much more.
The week of January 18: Rational bubbles, Davos’ questionable guest, the long road to a quick vaccine, and much, much more.
On the menu today: climate follies, minimum-wage follies, “robber baron” myths, Crocs’ pandemic surge, and COVID-19’s long-term economic scarring.
On the menu today: the death tax’s (possible) new scythe, vaccines and the EU’s lethal central-planning fail, Merkel/Brezhnev, credit-market Jenga, lost Bitcoin/found Keynes.
Biden’s grand plan, China’s grand plan, the regulators’ grand plans, and more.
On the menu today: Twitter’s escape into a trap, the boredom market hypothesis, losing a Bitcoin password, Rhodium’s colossal run, and monkeys and money.
Rational (for now) exuberance, irrational vaccine policies, and other dangers.
On the menu today: The Big Board and China, vaccine distribution, Elon Musk, California, and a very expensive tweet, 0 percent mortgages (for 20 years), and fractional trading.
On the menu today: Bubbles, California’s self-destruction (continued), inflation, weed, and Beethoven.
On the menu today: Relief at last (plus added waste), the wisdom (or not) of lockdowns, bubble watch, chicken sandwich mania, and an antitrust refresher.
Inflation (or not), stimulus (or not) and much, much more.
On the menu today: the Fed joins the climate club, the end of the free Internet (maybe), California (still) looking at tax increases, New York’s food vendor crunch, and a worrying case for leveraged buyouts.
Bubble tea and much, much more.
A ‘socially responsible’ numbers game.
On the menu today: New York State’s retirement fund to divest from fossil-fuel companies (and other miscreants), Bitcoin as strategy, bubble fun with SPACs and food, not seeing the wood for the trees, and wealth taxes.
On the menu today: Sustainability by fiat, Milton, Nikola and Paradise Lost, the IMF’s net-zero fantasy, renters in trouble, and two tales of discontinuing catalogues: Sears and Ikea.
Unemployment woes, the Fed Trap, and much, much, more.
On the menu today: Wall Street and China, Chinese debt and “Lake Woebegone” ratings, Europe’s banks, lawyers seeing green, and Poland flunks an Estonian tax lesson.
On the menu today: Biden’s BlackRock hires, an “endorsement” of Neera Tanden, Christine Lagarde’s follies, (too much) office space, and measuring inflation.
The ‘Great Reset’ masterminded by the World Economic Forum is just corporatism by another name.
On the menu today: Dow moves up, Yellen to move in, GMO and vaccines, urban tax crunches, a secret Chinese plan, and flat tax successes.
Mnuchin Wars, Space Wars and much, much more.
On the menu today: the Fed enters the climate wars, lockdown update, thank you, Big Pharma, non merci, Amazon, and missing flying cars.
The vaccine injects some hope, but lockdowns may take it away, and much, much, more.
On the menu today: lockdown update, razors cut, two German shambles, and digitizing trust.
On the menu today: the EU takes on Amazon, the greening of the Fed, Argentina and Lucy’s football, a REIT mess, the business of witchcraft, and the Treasury market’s plumbing.
Buying on a Biden landslide and buying on gridlock too, the free market’s boardroom foes, and much more.
On the menu today: Gridlock, Georgia, a win for pensioners over ESG, San Francisco self immolates (a bit more), Barr’s European co-belligerents, stamping on Ant, and Adam Smith — Ladies’ Man.
Markets crumble, Biden plans, Davos plots, and more.
On the menu today: Third quarter good and bad, Apple’s challenge to Google, cannabis drinks mystery, the return of macaroni cheese, and more.
On the menu today: Stocks, ultra-low rates and rising risks, fleeing to Uruguay, vaccine-vulnerable stocks, the value of “green jobs,” ghosts and more.