Kamala Harris Could Actually Win
She’s a tragically flawed candidate, but so is Trump, who doesn’t have the media cheering for him from here to November.
She’s a tragically flawed candidate, but so is Trump, who doesn’t have the media cheering for him from here to November.
Rather than appeal to a majority of normal voters, both the GOP and the Democrats are proceeding as if their problems are structural rather than political.
In the wake of today’s Supreme Court decision, it falls on legislators to act.
Taking guns ‘out of the realm of politics’ and ‘into the realm of public health’ is anti-democratic.
Its reporters have gone after a gun-rights expert as though he, not the Constitution, were the reason for the Second Amendment’s legal success.
If the president loses his reelection bid in November, he’ll have no one to blame but himself.
Trump bad. Biden old. Inflation unpopular. Abortion popular. Border disaster. World on fire. On November 5, solve for X.
Let’s not pretend otherwise.
As he should.
His elder son’s death is a tragedy — one that should not be used repeatedly as a shield against criticism of his foreign policy.
They’ve tied their party to a pair of losers.
The misguided campaign to clamp down on homemade firearms presents a slippery slope.
For the third time in as many years, fabulists of all stripes have descended on the Peach State to stoke an entirely baseless political controversy.
In a series of interviews leading up to Saturday’s impeachment vote, the GOP senator described the stakes as he sees them: nothing less than the integrity of the Constitution.
There are few more destructive ideas than Court-packing, and none so keenly in need of ubiquitous condemnation.