Today's Conservative News

David Ng

‘Game of Thrones’ Producer Loved ‘My Son Hunter’ But Says He Can’t Tell Colleagues Due to Hollywood Cancel Culture

A producer of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” and other major works reportedly praised the movie “My Son” Hunter at a recent advance screening in Los Angeles but says he can’t tell colleagues due to Hollywood’s pernicious cancel culture, giving credence to “My Son Hunter” producer Ann McElhinney’s remarks about how “Hollywood would never make this movie.

Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done

Peter Schweizer, Breitbart News Senior Contributor, President of the Government Accountability Institute, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said Hunter Biden is benefiting from a double standard when it comes to his highly questionable foreign ties, saying other Americans have gone to jail for doing far less.

Sex Scandals, Sinking Ratings: CNN Imploding on Eve of Streaming Launch

CNN is betting big on its new digital streaming service CNN+ that will debut in early 2022, calling it the most important launch since Ted Turner introduced the cable network more than four decades ago. But a string of shocking internal scandals is threatening to steal the spotlight on the eve of the big reveal.