Hollywood’s Latest Blockbuster Turning Into One Of The Biggest Flops Ever
A for effort, I guess.
A for effort, I guess.
This Memorial Day, Let’s Remember The Real American Interest
On the other hand, Tashi is a rejection of this philosophy of weakness
Keating is in fact the villain of the story
Crucially, the relationship was designed to build a bond between the two men so strong that they would fight and die for each other
That leaves two, respectable contenders
They’re a ship of misfits with nothing but raw talent, passion, and a burning desire to plate perfection.
Allison is just another coastal liberal running with the same cable news preferences
The irony is that the two families never really move past the mistrust even as it becomes clear mistrust was the goal of the attack
Once one embraces a life of pure indulgence, there is no satiating it; it must be pursued to oblivion
It seems like everyone involved in making films these days is only in it for the money
It is clear we are meant to think of the Napoleonic Era as a dark moment in history
Being a man means caring for the next generation — not only for its physical safety, but for its moral formation
‘Believer’ rejects this Christian worldview, instead embracing a noxious mix of multiculturalism and secular humanism
Poirot’s indifference is emblematic of the collective artistic shrug at the entire all of the Western canon today
The film is not about man conquering the limitations of humankind on a quest into the unknown
She undeniably suffered under the control of her conservators, who reportedly exploited their position at every turn
The Movie Every Conservative Should Re-Watch This Labor Day Weekend
A left-wing deep state and a controlled opposition that will never do anything about it
At face value as a horror movie, the film still holds up
‘ an aspiring country star does not need to conform to the aesthetics or the values of the broader music industry’
Conservatives Take Scalps In The Culture War
Country music has been in the headlines a lot lately, but for all the wrong reasons. First, the corporate press came after Luke Combs for releasing a cover of Tracy Chapman’s classic hit, “Fast Car” as — gasp! — a white man.
These boundaries are not necessarily toxic, but they are absurd
Identity politics became a sure-fire way to insulate elite power
Biden Says The US Wasn’t Involved In Russia’s Coup Attempt.
It is a religion of death — only through death of a child can life of the mother be truly realized
His legacy is part of what changed America forever
It nevertheless reflects the values of a company that jumped at the chance to commodify tragedy
The Left’s War On Masculinity Is Destroying Western Civilization