Today's Conservative News

Ian Hanchett

Georgia Elections Official Sterling: Media That ‘Criticized and Examined’ Every Trump Claim, Accepts Claims by Biden, Abrams ‘At Face Value’

During an interview with the “Fox News Rundown” podcast released on Thursday, Gabriel Sterling, the Chief Operating Officer for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office criticized many in the mainstream media, “who criticized and examined every claim of President Trump, takes similar claims from this president and Stacey Abrams and accepts it at face value.

Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee Chairwoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) discussed the subcommittee’s hearing with the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Twitter and said that the hearing’s purpose was to send the message to tech companies “That we’re going to regulate. We’re going to legislate.