Pinkerton: All of America Must Be a Hard Target to Prevent Mass Shootings
If a target is “soft,” that means it’s vulnerable. So let’s protect targets by hardening them, starting with schools.
If a target is “soft,” that means it’s vulnerable. So let’s protect targets by hardening them, starting with schools.
If Republicans make the upcoming midterm election about Democratic performance, Democrats will be sorry.
At first, Democrats hoped they were winning on the abortion issue, and now they fear they are losing. So anything could happen.
We have three choices in dealing with Big Tech: like it the way it is, break it up, or fix it. Fixing it is the best course.
In the 1970s, the media gave President Jimmy Carter a free pass. Now, the establishment media is giving President Joe Biden the same free pass. Unfortunately for them, the American people didn’t buy it then and aren’t buying it now.
It would be unfair to accuse all Democrats of being groomers; but, as the saying goes, the flak is heaviest when you’re over the target.
In a classic David vs. Goliath tale, the Amazon workers in Staten Island, New York, beat union-busting billionaire Jeff Bezos to form a union. Here are five things to watch as this battle royale over unionization unfolds.
Battered by rising energy prices, the Biden administration is now talking a good game about increasing supply and reducing prices. And yet it is still acting with, well, a forked tongue—that is, loudly cheering for more energy while still quietly seeking to limit it.
An effective American president would increase U.S. energy, thereby reducing the funds Putin is using to kill Ukrainians. But while Russia is waging a hot war in Ukraine, the Democrats are more interested in waging World War E.
Why did Putin invade Ukraine now? One reason is that he could afford to thanks to money Biden inadvertently helped him accumulate.
Desperate Senate Democrats propose a temporary federal gas tax cut to undo some of the inflationary damage they’ve done. But don’t worry, they don’t really mean it. The tax cut, that is.
So long as people value freedom—including the freedom to be funny and to laugh—P.J. O’Rourke will have a place in the pantheon.
Here are some data points that tell the tale about Joe Biden and his party.
The commander-in-chief is playing for some very high stakes in the geopolitical arena and against some sharp players, notably Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Unfortunately for the U.S., Joe Biden has never had much self-discipline, and even more unfortunately, he’s gotten old.
The ultra-violence of the 1981 movie “Escape From New York” was a Hollywood production. And yet today, a George Soros-funded prosecutor in New York City wants to bring reel life to real life.
The Democrats’ threat to pack the Supreme Court might not succeed as legislation, but it could work as intimidation as the Court takes up that could overturn Roe v. Wade.
The Biden climate agenda is the Green New Deal in disguise. For American greens, it’s climate first. For Chinese leaders, it’s China first.
Joe Biden is following Jimmy Carter’s playbook of restricting production, increasing inflation, and practicing demagoguery.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has just won a big victory—or did she? A dozen years ago, she persuaded House Democrats to vote for a bill that the Democratic Senate was afraid to pass, and that helped lead to the Democratic wipeout in 2010.
The Biden administration’s climate “deal” with China is no deal at all for Americans. But climate czar John Kerry likes it, and he’s the one who speaks for the real power in the Democratic Party—the green billionaires.
The passage of Joe Biden’s $550 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework (BIF) is a game-changer, although it might not change the game in the way that Democrats want.
Why does Joe Biden want to give nearly half-a-million dollars to non-citizens? Yes, it’s a nutty plan, but there’s a method and actually a strategy to Biden’s madness.
The Biden White House’s new gender and transgender crazed “national strategy document” is a knife against normal people and a sword in the hand of Republicans.
Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan might be stalled in Congress, but Hunter Biden’s Build Back Bigger (as in bigger bank account) plan seems to be going quite nicely.
Joe Biden has let the left wing of his party run away with his presidency. The latest case in point is the infrastructure bill fiasco.
Just as with Jimmy Carter before him, Joe Biden is having a hard time managing his coalition. The latest flashpoint issue is immigration. Yet even as he struggles to keep Democrats in his tent, the rest of the country is drifting away.
The rich play by the rules they like for themselves and seek to make the rest of us live by the rules they wish to impose.
Last week’s hearings were a discouraging reminder that the Democrats who lead Congress aren’t interested in doing much that would make a Democratic president look bad.
After 9/11, it seemed that we were in a battle against evil. And without a doubt, Osama Bin Laden was evil. And yet strangely, the American government chose not to focus on him or even on al Qaeda. 9/11 was a test, some of which America passed and some of which it flunked. Here are five lessons to learn.
The U.S. military triumphs when it learns the lessons of defeat and points them toward future victories.