Pinkerton: The Media Mobilize to Defend Joe Biden from Afghanistan Debacle by Changing the Subject
Remember Afghanistan? The Main Stream Media doesn’t want you to because it could hurt Joe Biden. So it’s doing its best to change the subject.
Remember Afghanistan? The Main Stream Media doesn’t want you to because it could hurt Joe Biden. So it’s doing its best to change the subject.
When brave young Americans put their trust in Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam should do everything possible to keep their trust.
Perhaps Joe Biden is too old to learn lessons, but here are at least five that Ronald Reagan could convey to the current occupant of the Oval Office.
Here’s what Joe Biden should do if he is actually serious about handling the pandemic and not just playing politics.
Joe Biden promised that the “materials and products” in his infrastructure plan would be Made in America. But the bill currently drafted contains a huge loophole that can send those jobs to China.
The New York Times admits that Joe Biden’s promised “green jobs” could actually be “more akin to an Amazon warehouse or a fleet of Uber drivers: grueling work schedules, few unions, middling wages and limited benefits.
Joe Biden seems determined to repeat all the inflationary mistakes of his Democratic predecessor Jimmy Carter.
The future of space exploration will likely be some sort of public-private partnership. If space-bound billionaires are willing to do their part for the nation and if American political leaders have the vision to see space travel as a 1492-like opportunity, then this could be the beginning of a new epoch of American Greatness.
Wokeism is well-funded and trendy with wealthy elites. But the woke One Percenters are nowhere near a majority. This provides an opportunity for Republicans to rally Americans of all backgrounds into an anti-woke coalition.
Tech savvy activists bursting with new ideas can change electioneering just as surely as the GameStop Redditors have changed investing.
The simple genius of Stacey Abrams’ strategy is that it’s all about the numbers. Strip away the hoopla of campaigning, and the only thing that matters is getting people registered and getting them to vote—in person, by mail, whatever it takes.
The Republican romance with Big Tech didn’t work out as planned. The Big Techsters, confident of kneejerk Republican support for low taxes and deregulation, were free to follow their bliss on avant-garde woke social issues. In other words, the GOP was safeguarding Big Tech, while the Techsters, taking Republicans for granted, acted like good Democrats.
There was once a Democrat Congressman and a Democrat aide who spied for a communist country, and a Democrat president who took action.
The irony of Obama is that for all his “Yes, we can” rhetoric, he was content to say, “No, we can’t.” In this, he fit Machiavelli’s definition of the fox-like politician who is shrewd enough to avoid traps. And while the life of a fox might be long, it is unlikely to be consequential because the ability to avoid traps is not the test of greatness.
The confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is an historic victory for the conservative movement and the crowning achievement of decades of political organizing by social and judicial conservatives. Those who wish to see more victories should study the planning that went into achieving this one.
Drastic turns can, and do, happen at any time, and yet now, in October 2020, as so many eyes are glued to political events, we realize how much effect they can have.
The Founders were fully familiar with vote fraud and electoral distortion, which is as old as democracy itself — and they had a plan to deal with it: the Electoral College.
It’s likely that if the Democrats were to win this November and were actually to propose a court-packing bill, they would, soon enough, suffer the same sort of cold reaction that FDR’s bill suffered back in 1937.
A look back in U.S. history tells us just how much can change when a president is suddenly replaced by a vice president.
As we know, the police are under constant attack. Just on July 13, a cop in Bothell, Washington, was shot and killed by a gunman during a traffic stop.
It was with wonder-weapons that we won World War II. And it’s with medical wonder-weapons that we’ll win World War Virus.
It shouldn’t have to get to this point, but here it goes: We need a written pledge to protect our statues and monuments. That is, a written document for politicians to sign, if they wish, pledging to protect public order and the dignity of our society.