Nolte: Nashville Christian School Shooting Preceded by Calls for ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’
Audrey Hale, who identified as a man, is the fourth transgender mass shooter in almost as many years.
Audrey Hale, who identified as a man, is the fourth transgender mass shooter in almost as many years.
By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.
Americans are so turned off by Hollywood, Oscar-bait, and prestige films that they are not only flopping at the box office; they are being ignored at their respective streaming platforms.
A whopping 62 percent of likely voters rate the federal government’s handling of the Ohio train derailment as fair (16 percent) to poor (46 percent).
Common sense and a little knowledge easily debunk the left and the media’s latest “fashionable” hysteria, the so-called threat of gas stoves.
DeSantis is undoubtedly the most serious threat Trump has ever faced in his own party, but the DeSantis v. Trump race is still a jump ball.
The summer box office took a 21 percent dive this year.
I wish Ellen Degeneres well and hope she remembers where true intolerance towards those who dare to be different comes from.
Wynter Balthrop needs a specific hypoallergenic baby formula for her eight-month-old and can’t find it. Now she has no choice but to feed her daughter a formula that upsets her little stomach.
I couldn’t be any more in love with this scandal if it looked like Pam Grier and tasted like cheesecake.
Chris “Fredo” Cuomo pulled the trigger on his promised $125 million lawsuit against CNN Thursday.
Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul just proved beyond any doubt the organized left wants unvaccinated Trump voters to remain unvaccinated.
The Trafalgar Group, one of the most accurate and reliable pollsters of the last few election cycles, has only terrible news for His Fraudulency Joe Biden and his recently-announced fascist vaccination mandates.
His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s breathtaking failure to keep his promise to manage the coronavirus is more than apparent in the latest polling that shows nearly two-thirds of Americans, a full 64 percent, are still concerned about the pandemic.
Far-left CNN, a fake news outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and encourages violence against conservatives, lost nearly half of its already anemic primetime audience last month.
The head of New York’s Black Lives Matter wants the BLM cofounder’s million dollar home purchases investigated.
The Democrats’ goal here, at least for now, is not to try to stop Barrett, but to use the national television time to hurt Trump’s reelection chances. This is excellent news for those of us who want to see Barrett on the High Court.
Actress-activist Rose McGowan ripped into the Clintons and Joe Biden Friday night with an anguished tweet about their “evil.
Yeah, handclaps… That’s what the National Anthem is missing: handclaps and a funky bassline.