Judge Grants Matthew McConaughey Restraining Order Against Alleged Stalker Trying To Attend Event: REPORT
He said his stalker sent ‘unhinged letters, emails, and frivolous lawsuits designed to lure me into court to contact me’
He said his stalker sent ‘unhinged letters, emails, and frivolous lawsuits designed to lure me into court to contact me’
‘I’m so scared, and I don’t know how I’m going to live without this thing.
‘It was a good hit’
‘I’ve lost over 42 pounds now, and it’s just enough’
‘I want the biggest wings you could possibly have, and I wore them proudly’
‘Irreparable emotional distress and reputational harm if Defendant continues to post such photographs on the internet’
Evangelista recalled being uncomfortable
‘I would love that justice be served’
‘It’s a family affair’
‘Its a good time to try to come back together,” she said.
‘You better come in heavy, champ’
‘My decision to return to work was made when it seemed nothing was happening’
‘This is a cruel thing to do to a grandparent – to deny the right to see a grandchild’
She allegedly attempted to evade police by pretending to walk her dog
‘He didn’t pressure me when I said no.
‘I deeply apologize to writers. I deeply apologize to unions.
‘The results came back that I had heavy metal poisoning, and the lead was off the charts’
‘It made me sad that we are at this state in our country’
‘If I have to go to prison, I’ll go, but I’m going to kill them’
Soliz referred to her as ‘a phenomenal woman’
The entire back wall, trees, and lights all came crashing down around the star and she was rushed off stage
The birth of the child was kept secret until this recent tweet
The reception included unique decorative elements
‘If you don’t hear it from these lips, don’t believe it’
The press was ‘saying that ‘Do the Right Thing’ was gonna incite Black people to riot’
‘People have been inviting me out, you know, I’ve been trying to have fun’
‘Your actions 20 years ago took away another person’s choice and voice’
‘This one smells like titties’