WWE Legend Kevin Nash Makes Disturbing Comments About How He’s Coping With His Son’s Death
‘Time flies when you got a gun in your mouth’
‘Time flies when you got a gun in your mouth’
‘I want you to show me, with this bread, how you lick your husband’s asshole”
‘I’ve already won the jackpot in life’
‘We compliment and spoil one another’
Madonna wiped her Instagram clean of all posts
‘What I didn’t have was what I had when I actually went to the South Pole, which was a cock cushion’
‘It’s like what is this patriarchal pyramid where someone stands up here’
West is already treating Censori as his wife
The 63-year-old actor expressly denied any wrongdoing and maintained his innocence.
John Travolta, Bette Midler, and the Jackson family have shared loving words in her honor.
‘Kaptain Robbie Knievel’ routinely stunned fans with his talents.
The filmmaker claims ‘No animal involved in the production was injured or harmed’
‘This was a very unexpected turn’
Paramedics attempted CPR on scene in an effort to revive her.
‘He didn’t want to do it.
The speeches were too long, and the host made fun of the racist academy. It was appalling.
‘Listen, I know sexy when I see it… and this show is HOT’
He will be forever missed by his adoring fans, and has left a legacy for guitarists of all ages
‘I think maybe we take these three things and exchange them for the safe return of Shelly Miscavige’
‘You can’t take the Boston accent out of the boy’
‘My God, I’m Japanese and I didn’t know it… I am, you know’
‘We couldn’t feel more positive about the road ahead’
The live grenade was lodged in the soldier’s torso and could have detonated at any time
‘It was one of the most special moments of my life’
‘I didn’t feel like I had respect.
‘Everything is going to be amazing. Ok? You’ve got this.
‘It was a traumatic and a great, exhilarating, memorable experience’
‘I don’t license my music to politicians, especially someone as divisive and hateful as this one’
He called Camilla ‘dangerous’ because of her relationship with the British Press
Jeremy was indicted on more than 30 counts of sexual assault against women aged 15-51