Today's Conservative News

Lucas Nolan

Microsoft’s Partnership with ‘Orwellian’ NewsGuard Continues Even as It Courts Trump Administration

As Microsoft courts major victories in Washington including OpenAI’s Project Stargate support and a potential TikTok acquisition, a new report from the Foundation for Freedom Online reveals the tech giant has maintained controversial censorship partnerships and initiatives from the Biden era, including ties to  NewsGuard, the establishment pro-censorship group operating a news blacklist against conservative media.

Comrade Elon: Musk Opposes Tariffs on Chinese EVs

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whose EV company is deeply involved in Communist China, recently expressed his disapproval of the recently announced 100 percent tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles during the VivaTech conference this week.
The post Comrade Elon: Musk Opposes Tariffs on Chinese EVs appeared first on Breitbart.

Dr. Robert Epstein: Google Will Shift 10% of Voters to Make Trump a ‘Blip in History’

Dr. Robert Epstein, the senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, joined Breitbart News’ Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily to discuss how Google hopes to shift 10 percent of the voting public away from Trump to fulfill a company executive’s stated goal of making populism nothing more than a “blip in history.