Trump Makes His Hostility to Ukraine’s Cause Clear
The measurable uptick in the former president’s hostile rhetoric toward Ukraine clears away the fog surrounding his views on this conflict.
The measurable uptick in the former president’s hostile rhetoric toward Ukraine clears away the fog surrounding his views on this conflict.
Tehran’s efforts to assassinate the former president deserve a united, bipartisan response.
If New Jersey’s experience is any indication, Californians can look forward to a costly new inconvenience.
GOP primary voters knew Mark Robinson was a terrible candidate. They just didn’t care.
Harris’s interview with the National Association of Black Journalists showed why she doesn’t do many interviews.
The former NIH director wants to be seen as a truth-teller, which is tough when you are not telling the truth.
Debate zingers are not the way. Kamala Harris’s only hope is to convince persuadable voters on the sidelines that she is a safe bet.
Democrats can blame Trump all they like, but it was Biden who presided over the bloody embarrassment of America’s withdrawal from Central Asia.
Whatever else we can say of the Harris-Walz campaign’s amoral posture on Israel, it is not one that a confident political operation would strike.
Joe Biden has presided over the deterioration of the American strategic position across the globe.
Foreign election interference isn’t coming just from Russia, and it isn’t all aimed at helping one party.
Think there are real consequences associated with kidnapping and murdering U.S. citizens? Think again.
Upon her ascension to national politics, Harris made a point of endorsing every faddish de-carceral policy proposal that popped into progressives’ heads.
The stakes are higher here than the VP’s allies let on.
The edifice of competence and popularity that Harris and her media abettors are erecting is a hollow façade. The Trump campaign has a chance to topple it.
Trump still owns the issues — but Harris has cornered seriousness.
The GOP’s goal shouldn’t be to outbid Harris but to demonstrate that she is trying to approximate what Republicans already bring to the table.
The Republican nominee’s team must acknowledge that the playbook they deployed against the Biden campaign is obsolete — and overhaul it.
There is no practical upside for either Trump or the party he leads in continuing to litigate his grievances with Georgia GOP leaders.
The press makes itself vulnerable when it attempts to alter the course of events rather than simply report on them.
Biden’s insistence on holding the nation’s focus in the last months of his term is likely to remind Americans why they wanted him to leave in the first place.
Her attempt to present herself as a born-again moderate is undermined by her alignment with Joe Biden’s unpopular progressive policies.
A crash is coming.
Harris’s record is a story both of incompetence and of how little faith her own allies have in her political acumen and capabilities as an executive.
The charge that Vance established a fraudulent charity to prey on unsuspecting donors and abuse their trust is false and staggeringly cynical.
As a presidential candidate, Harris will be just as rigorously stage-managed as Joe Biden was in the closing days of his campaign.
Institutional trust may be approaching rock bottom, but Americans don’t need to be coached into reverence for America’s civic conventions.
The president’s diehards are fooling themselves if they think his NATO press conference put an end to questions about his fitness for office.
The Biden administration’s coddling of far-left demonstrators has, however unwittingly, aided a hostile foreign power.
The media deserve no credit for belatedly admitting the long-obvious truth about President Biden’s condition.