For Democratic Leaders, it Wasn’t About COVID-19 Then, and It’s Not About BLM Now
America is going through a bit of a rough patch right now. Over 100,000 dead courtesy of an invisible enemy from China.
America is going through a bit of a rough patch right now. Over 100,000 dead courtesy of an invisible enemy from China.
Three months ago, America was told to trust public health experts.
With the death of George Floyd — a heinous atrocity virtually every American decries — unity should have prevailed.
After a second full week of mass demonstrations, protests, riots and civil disorders in over 30 cities, many law-abiding Americans are wondering why we were forced to comply with stay-home orders.
Minneapolis was a beautiful city with a promising future and unlimited potential.
As more of our political elite joins the mobs in the streets to conflate the death of George Floyd with a general indictment of America as a racist and evil nation, black Americans, more than anyone, will suffer.
Author’s Note: Interested readers who missed Vol. 2 – 12 of this series can click here, but Vol. 1 is here.
America has had enough.
First of all, let me say that this nation is in debt to former Marine Generals Mattis and Kelly for their service to the United States. Kelly in particular deserves our respect and appreciation. His own son gave his life as a Marine in service to America.
In the 1992 presidential campaign, candidate Bill Clinton referred to himself as the “comeback kid” after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire primary. Only a slick candidate with the skill of Bill Clinton would be able to turn a loss by 8 percent into a victory. However, his characterization, supported by the media, gave his campaign momentum and he eventually won the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination and the White House.
It can happen in a moment of time. One ill-advised tweet. One poorly worded post. One foolish act in public. And that’s it. You are branded. You are marked. You are guilty. For life.
Millions of Americans are becoming painfully aware of the old and inefficient technology operating our unemployment benefits system.
Yesterday, while running some errands, I witnessed a group of young, mostly white protesters peacefully demonstrating at a major intersection during the middle of the day.
Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson and looting are compounding problems for many cities and minority communities.
“Although he moved away from Minnesota almost two years ago, Crockett (a black protester) told his grandfather he needed to go. In response, his grandfather, a retired Marine, quoted Che Guevara. “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” That’s the BBC (very sympathetically) describing the motivation of a Minneapolis looter.
COVID-19 has devastated the U.S. economy and 36 million Americans have filed for unemployment since the pandemic began. To prevent permanent economic damage, the country must devise a plan to jump-start the economy that doesn’t mortgage the future to pay for the present.
There are serious prudential reasons not to invoke the Insurrection Act, but calls to do so are far from un-American.