Nuclear Power Is Crucial To Our National Security
The world is facing a time of great uncertainty. Amidst a pandemic, a global recession, and immense civil unrest, we are seeing global democracy also come under attack.
The world is facing a time of great uncertainty. Amidst a pandemic, a global recession, and immense civil unrest, we are seeing global democracy also come under attack.
“A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.” – Jonathan Swift, 1729.
When George Floyd was allegedly killed by a callous police officer needlessly placing his knee to his neck for several minutes, the nation was united, for about a minute. Nobody in America looked at that video and thought, “that guy got what he deserved.” Nobody. And yet, leftist-led protests that quickly turned to lawless riots quickly turned off a huge segment of law-abiding American society.
When I arrived on the campus of Notre Dame in 1986 to coach the football team, I had a sign placed in a stairwell leading onto the field that read, Play Like a Champion Today. 34 years later, I cant help but think of how President Trump has been a champion for the Catholic community.
It’s fitting that Donald Trump’s birthday should fall on Flag Day because the values that Old Glory has always stood for are currently under assault from the radical left, and only President Trump can defend them.
There is a war at home. In every city, courtroom, and District attorney’s office, the “generals” are deciding whether or not they will support their men and women on the frontlines or abandon them. The war against the women and men in blue will determine whether civilization and order are upheld or drowned by the mob in the streets.
With talk of Israel’s annexation of Jewish communities in historic Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and unilateral actions and threats by Palestinian and other Arabs even in advance of such a decision much less any actions being taken, the status and fate of Christian Arabs in the Land has been overshadowed.
The United States of America will never be the same. It will be a much worse place to live and work. Amid a three-month pandemic there has been a three-week cultural revolution, ignited by the brutal death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, that has changed our country forever.
Once upon a time, academics would debate each other when they disagreed. They would publish papers or write letters. Seminars got heated, but people didn’t take the disagreements personally.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused over 100,000 deaths, millions of lost jobs, and – according to a recent Census Bureau study – massive levels of clinical depression across America.
Joe Biden is running away from his record as the “pro-China” candidate so quickly that his defenders in the liberal press can’t make heads nor tails of it. Ordinary Americans are equally confused.
Its been a bad few weeks for law enforcement in America.
There are bad cops and corrupt cops and racist cops and brutal cops. But the great majority of police officers are not bad or corrupt or racist or brutal. If they were, given the 375 million annual contacts that police have with citizens, our country would look very different.
A man emailed me last week, and his email cut me to the core. He said he was really angry about the Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd deaths, but not for the reason the rest of us are. He, a black, middle-class man, lives with his wife and children on the edge of a crumbling neighborhood. They are saving to move.
It’s all about religion, isn’t it?
What are you really seeing as Americans kneel, hands raised in secular prayer, repeating political creeds on the TV news? And that secular foot-washing?
We just had riots from coast to coast. Downtown Seattle is currently a lawless zone under the control of anarchists. It may be time to start asking what’s going on in our country. People are not happy. The national unrest started with the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, but it is not solely about police brutality or race. People on the left and on the right are unhappy about a host of issues.
Liberals are beginning to swagger around as if the 2020 election is already over. Eugene Robinson at The Washington Post exclaimed that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is “beginning to look like the Titanic.” Joe Biden should be preparing his inauguration remarks.
George Floyd was buried this week.
There is a fundamental presumption in law that if you were not in any way a participant in an act, you cannot be culpable for it. On the other hand, if you were aware of it and had the opportunity to stop it but did not, you can be held responsible. The George Floyd incident is illustrative.
I am watching the various classes of America’s “elites” — politicians, commentators, academics, activists, Hollywood big mouths and corporate CEOs — drive this country deeper into conflict for the sake of their own personal aggrandizement and profit, and it is disgusting.
Democratic mayors, with a few exceptions, run America’s biggest cities.
America is going through a bit of a rough patch right now. Over 100,000 dead courtesy of an invisible enemy from China.
Three months ago, America was told to trust public health experts.
With the death of George Floyd — a heinous atrocity virtually every American decries — unity should have prevailed.
After a second full week of mass demonstrations, protests, riots and civil disorders in over 30 cities, many law-abiding Americans are wondering why we were forced to comply with stay-home orders.
Minneapolis was a beautiful city with a promising future and unlimited potential.
As more of our political elite joins the mobs in the streets to conflate the death of George Floyd with a general indictment of America as a racist and evil nation, black Americans, more than anyone, will suffer.
Author’s Note: Interested readers who missed Vol. 2 – 12 of this series can click here, but Vol. 1 is here.
America has had enough.