An Indefensible Commutation
It is another indication of Trump’s perverse view of the law — and another reminder of the loathsome characters he’s always surrounded himself with.
It is another indication of Trump’s perverse view of the law — and another reminder of the loathsome characters he’s always surrounded himself with.
Today’s decision was a small victory, but it will take a more sweeping decision to offer some finality to debates over the contraception mandate.
Today, as last year, as a century ago, as in 1777, it should be celebrated with as much Pomp and Parade as is possible.
It is a loss only for bigots, militant secularists, and the teachers’ unions.
One can only speculate why Chief Justice Roberts has engaged in his contortions.
They have decided to legalize racial discrimination.
Governors are working to manage new outbreaks and to hit the brakes when and where needed.
It is about partisan advantage, no more and no less.
The ongoing vandalism is not acceptable.
John Bolton has written the harshest book about a sitting president by one of his former top advisers that anyone has ever seen — or should hope to see.
In a nation of laws, no federal agency should ever need more reason to pull an unlawful regulation up by the roots.
We have been sounding the alarm about the illiberalism of the Left for years, but the current nadir is surprising even to us.
We think Justice Alito had the better of the argument: The law has long understood that sexual orientation and identity are distinct concepts from sex.
MADISON — The mess at the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development hasn’t gotten any better for thousands of unemployment filers like Jennifer Robertson, despite assurances from the government agency.
President Trump has done a remarkable job leading the nation through the COVID-19 crisis, connecting Americans with the information and resources they need during this time of social distancing. But if the president deserves our applause for anything, it’s his insight on China. Long before the outbreak of COVID-19, the president recognized what few of us were willing to acknowledge: China is not our friend.
How It Actually Happened
Dulles, Virginia – Since taking office, President Trump has secured freedom for dozens of Americans who’ve been unjustly detained by outlaw regimes including the recent release of Michael White who spent nearly two years in an Iranian prison on false charges.
Last week, Antifa and various radicals took over Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, a very lefty part of the city. They told the police they were not allowed in the area and put up barricades to keep them out.
Since the start of our national struggle against coronavirus, lines of political partisanship have shifted as lawmakers came together to pass three unprecedented relief packages totaling more than $3 trillion. The legislation wasn’t perfect, but it does offer critically needed funding for mitigating the economic impact of COVID-19.
The world is facing a time of great uncertainty. Amidst a pandemic, a global recession, and immense civil unrest, we are seeing global democracy also come under attack.
“A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.” – Jonathan Swift, 1729.
When George Floyd was allegedly killed by a callous police officer needlessly placing his knee to his neck for several minutes, the nation was united, for about a minute. Nobody in America looked at that video and thought, “that guy got what he deserved.” Nobody. And yet, leftist-led protests that quickly turned to lawless riots quickly turned off a huge segment of law-abiding American society.
When I arrived on the campus of Notre Dame in 1986 to coach the football team, I had a sign placed in a stairwell leading onto the field that read, Play Like a Champion Today. 34 years later, I cant help but think of how President Trump has been a champion for the Catholic community.
It’s fitting that Donald Trump’s birthday should fall on Flag Day because the values that Old Glory has always stood for are currently under assault from the radical left, and only President Trump can defend them.
There is a war at home. In every city, courtroom, and District attorney’s office, the “generals” are deciding whether or not they will support their men and women on the frontlines or abandon them. The war against the women and men in blue will determine whether civilization and order are upheld or drowned by the mob in the streets.
With talk of Israel’s annexation of Jewish communities in historic Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and unilateral actions and threats by Palestinian and other Arabs even in advance of such a decision much less any actions being taken, the status and fate of Christian Arabs in the Land has been overshadowed.
The United States of America will never be the same. It will be a much worse place to live and work. Amid a three-month pandemic there has been a three-week cultural revolution, ignited by the brutal death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, that has changed our country forever.
Once upon a time, academics would debate each other when they disagreed. They would publish papers or write letters. Seminars got heated, but people didn’t take the disagreements personally.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused over 100,000 deaths, millions of lost jobs, and – according to a recent Census Bureau study – massive levels of clinical depression across America.
Joe Biden is running away from his record as the “pro-China” candidate so quickly that his defenders in the liberal press can’t make heads nor tails of it. Ordinary Americans are equally confused.