Today's Conservative News

The First Steps to Fixing America

We just had riots from coast to coast. Downtown Seattle is currently a lawless zone under the control of anarchists. It may be time to start asking what’s going on in our country. People are not happy. The national unrest started with the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, but it is not solely about police brutality or race. People on the left and on the right are unhappy about a host of issues.

Trump on Seattle: ‘If We Have to Go in, We’re Going to Go in’

During a portion of an interview with the Fox News Channel released on Thursday, President Trump stated that he won’t allow Seattle to “be occupied” and “If we have to go in, we’re going to go in.” Trump also urged Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) to use the National Guard, but stated that “one way or the other, it’s going to get done. These people are not going to occupy a major portion of a great city.