Dem Rep. Bowman: Congress Must ‘Stop Spreading the Myth of American Exceptionalism’ and Deal with Racism ‘Throughout all’ Institutions
On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep.
On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the dumbest administration on earth.
On the menu today: Biden’s economic plan, Yellen’s debt dilemma, and deficits in a zero-interest-rate world.
The Rev. Michael Eric Dyson said on Sunday that American exceptionalism is just a worship of white supremacy and should be abandoned.
‘Kim knows what she wants to do with her life’
‘What we’ve seen is basically no consequence for violence’
President Trump is reportedly planning to end the United States travel bans on Europe, the United Kingdom, and Brazil just as he is leaving the White House this week.
‘[His] vision was worth celebrating’
The clogged toilets were only part of the alleged $263,592 in damage
‘safe to say mayor of Houston hates my guts’
Guatemala has deemed the attempted crossing illegal.
Doc Who Led Charge Against COVID Lab Leak Theory Admits He Was Trying To Protect Chinese Scientists
Barr resigned later that month, amid reported tensions with Trump after the attorney general refused to publicly endorse claims of election fraud.
Regnery Publishing announced that it has picked up Senator Josh Hawley’s upcoming book The Tyranny of Big Tech after it was dropped by Simon & Schuster.
You have to plead ignorance
The order is one of the last of Trump’s presidency, with Joe Biden set to be sworn into office on Wednesday.
‘I’m an innocent man’
‘Places like you guys you can’t replace’
The Los Angeles Times ran a headline Sunday that is sure to grab the attention of Trump supporters everywhere: “Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan.
The concerns prompted the FBI to vet all 25,000 National Guard troops in the city, Fox News has learned.
With 10 Republican votes, Trump’s second impeachment was the most bipartisan one in history.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to cancel the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office, according to several news sources.
Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday detailed how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife Elaine Chao are financially tied to the Chinese Communist Party.
During an interview that aired Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) urged his GOP colleagues to join him and the Democrats in voting to impeach President Donald Trump even though his term ends on January 20.
Defense officials in Washington, D.C., are concerned about an insider attack from service members deployed to Washington, D.C., for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all 25,000 National Guard troops in the city, Fox News has learned.
We are now war correspondents. That’s your new assignment if you cover Congress. The threat against the U.S. Capitol likely won’t dissolve any time soon.
Guatemalan security forces used tear gas and batons to push back a migrant caravan attempting to make its way to Mexico and on to the United States. The soldiers and law enforcement lined up three or four rows deep to create a blockade to the migrants’ progress.
Given Democrats’ razor-thin lead in Congress, Biden will probably resort to the ‘presidential pen’ approach.