Biden Urges America to ‘Rip Out’ Systemic Racism in July 4th Message
Former Vice President Joe Biden urged Americans to commit to ripping “out the roots of systemic racism” on Saturday when delivering his Fourth of July message to the nation.
Former Vice President Joe Biden urged Americans to commit to ripping “out the roots of systemic racism” on Saturday when delivering his Fourth of July message to the nation.
President Trump evoked the history of American patriots who defeated Nazis, toppled communists and chased down terrorists, but warned of another threat now in today’s political climate — the “radical left.
Fifty-three countries at the U.N. Human Rights Council, led by Cuba, came out in support of China’s national security law this week — a law that has formed the basis of the communist regime’s latest crackdown on the people of Hong Kong.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday denied an emergency appeal submitted by GOP lawmakers from Illinois that had argued against the governor’s restrictions on meeting in groups larger than 10 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Military planes will fly over four big cities Saturday afternoon to celebrate Independence Day in a lead up to the Fourth of July air show in Washington, D.C.
Joe Biden’s Fourth of July message focused on America’s long history of racial injustice — from slavery to George Floyd’s death — as he called for Americans to strive to achieve the country’s founding ideal of equality.
It’s incredible
As the nation celebrates its 244th birthday, those of us who still love it must redouble our efforts to convert those who don’t to our side.
Our equal creation, rather than our sex, skin, or group, is necessary to ground human dignity and our respect for every individual.
On this holiday celebrating our beginnings, today’s raging, bored, and bossy mob may need a dose of history paintings.
Today, as last year, as a century ago, as in 1777, it should be celebrated with as much Pomp and Parade as is possible.
It is laughable for Biden, of all people, to claim that Trump’s administration has been a gift to Putin.
Kimberly Guilfoyle, a senior adviser to the Trump 2020 campaign, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the campaign confirmed Friday night.
On Friday evening, President Donald Trump said the destroyers of American statues and monuments will receive a minimum of ten years in federal prison if convicted.
On Friday evening, in front of Mount Rushmore, President Donald Trump declared to the American people that the monument of Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson “will never ever be destroyed.
President Donald Trump said during his speech before Mount Rushmore on Friday night that America’s schools continue to indoctrinate America’s children, and children are taught to “hate their own country.
Destruction of statues is part of a “far-left fascism” that seeks to “overthrow the American Revolution,” said Donald Trump at Mount Rushmore.
Speaking after the legendary U.S. Navy Blue Angels roared overhead, President Trump ushered in the July 4th weekend Friday night at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota with a full-throated condemnation of “far-left fascism” and a defense of “Judeo-Christian principles.
President Donald Trump will hold an Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore on Friday evening. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.
Protesters blocked an access road to Mount Rushmore Friday, hours before President Trump was set to give a speech to kick off Independence Day weekend.
Michael Dukakis, the former Democratic Massachusetts governor who lost his 1988 White House bid to then-Vice President George H. W. Bush, is warning Joe Biden not to take polls showing him with a double-digit lead over President Trump too seriously.
‘We can’t allow that wolf pack to mangle Russia’
As of Friday, we are exactly four months away from Election Day on Nov. 3.
‘We look at neighboring regions, and anomalies are obvious’