America First Legal Requests Investigation Into The Biden Administration’s Afghanistan Withdrawal, Demands Answers On ‘Vetting’ Of Evacuees
America First Legal Demands Investigation Into Afghanistan Withdrawal
America First Legal Demands Investigation Into Afghanistan Withdrawal
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned Tuesday of a looming “humanitarian catastrophe” following the U.S. withdrawal and urged the international community to provide aid to support its populace.
President Joe Biden said Tuesday that al Qaeda has been decimated in Afghanistan after referring to the terrorist group as “gone” in a statement last week prompting pushback from some foreign policy experts who say the opposite is the case.
A pregnant American woman from California who is trapped in Afghanistan, who goes by ‘Nasria,’ was kicked in the stomach by the Taliban and forced into hiding, according to the Daily Mail.
The largely partisan committee technically has subpoena power to obtain data from private companies, although soliciting it from members of Congress is more unusual.
The criticism is not whether the United States should have ended the war in Afghanistan. It is how Biden failed in ending it.
White House national-security adviser Jake Sullivan refused to define the U.S. relationship with the Taliban as adversarial.
‘Do people in this administration truly believe this is a return to normalcy?
It’s a chilling preview
His elder son’s death is a tragedy — one that should not be used repeatedly as a shield against criticism of his foreign policy.
‘We are facing a full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban’
Biden Banks On Taliban To Rescue Stranded Americans
The legislation now goes to the desk of Republican Governor Greg Abbott, who is expected to sign the bill after lobbying for it for many months.
The father of one marine said that the president appeared to be checking his watch repeatedly during the dignified transfer of the service members’ remains.
Lara Logan, a veteran war correspondent, said Sunday she was fearful for the fate of Afghan women who remain under Taliban rule in Afghanistan. “They may hang a few token women out there to pretend to the world that something has changed, but I promise you, it hasn’t,” Logan said to Fox News.
‘She is about supporting a sick power structure’
‘the trade in diamonds still gives rise to serious human rights violations’
Facebook Says It ‘Incorrectly Deleted’ Account Of Mother Of Marine Killed In Kabul Explosion
Heated school board meetings on topics that include critical race theory have prompted some school board members to look for the exit due to the clashes that some say lead to threats and harassment, according to a report.
Rarely has one image more perfectly captured the moment — and totality — of a man’s presidency.
On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Sen.
Afghanistan has quickly transformed into what NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel referred to as “an emerging Islamic emirate trying to find its way.
One woman screamed at Joe Biden across the airport tarmac, “I hope you burn in hell! That was my brother.
President Joe Biden ordered a hasty, chaotic, and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans stranded there on August 31. Ironically, Biden had promised — repeatedly — to leave “no one behind” there, or anywhere.
President Biden has faced mounting criticism from lawmakers within his own party in recent days as the last U.S. forces depart Afghanistan following a chaotic evacuation mission.
Sasse took aim at President Biden’s handling of the final days in Afghanistan
‘We Taliban won the war. USA and NATO, you lost the war.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., called Monday for the chamber to return from its recess to consider legislation that would mandate reports on Americans left behind in Afghanistan following President Biden’s decision to stick to an Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline.