Pregnant Man Emojis Could Now Become A Thing
‘I tried to warn you people about emojis’
‘I tried to warn you people about emojis’
College Republican chapters all over the country claim they are being disenfranchised by a president seeking to consolidate power.
‘Burn a witch at the stake mentality’
CEO Meunier has confidence Jeep will be a top player in the off-road vehicle market.
‘Extortion threatens our collective safety’
‘The economy is expanding rapidly’
Will you be watching?
“No American consumers should be inadvertently purchasing products from slave labor,” Sen. Jeff Merkley said.
The left is spinning a series of increasingly hilarious defenses of “critical race theory,” which is just a more boring version of the left’s usual hatred of Western civilization.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will sign an executive order Thursday bypassing the state legislature and banning the controversial practice of ‘gay conversion therapy.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday condemned a fiery speech by President Biden as “utter nonsense” for alleging GOP voting reform laws were comparable to the Civil War.
Dozens of Democratic state lawmakers from Texas have skipped out on a special legislative session in order to break a quorum and stall Republican efforts to fast track new election integrity bills, which critics on the left claim amount to voter suppression.
‘Don’t we know that the reason people want to leave Cuba?
Former Vice President Mike Pence, while speaking at the Heritage Foundation’s annual B.C. Lee Lecture on international affairs, roasted the Democrats for being “hesitant” to “criticize their communist friends in Cuba.
‘Had the best time surrounded by so much love’
The number of students earning less than a 1.0 G.P.A. almost doubled from the previous school year.
The illegality of same-sex marriage in Russia was cemented in last year’s adoption of constitutional amendments
Cuban-American rap mega star Pitbull is calling on wealthy American business leaders, particularly Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, to provide aid to the Cuban people, thousands of whom have taken to the streets of the island nation in recent days to protest the lack of basic human necessities and to call for the end of six decades of Communist rule.
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan on Wednesday called on state Democratic lawmakers to give up their daily stipend of $221 as they bunker in Washington, D.C. to avoid passing a voting reform bill.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested Tuesday that Florida based companies should attempt to provide internet access to Cuba after the communist country shut off the internet to suppress recent protests and dissent.
‘To everybody in Cuba keep the fight up’
Independent media have confirmed the arrests of at least 5,000 people since protests against communism erupted in Cuba on Sunday, a total including those known to be under investigation but not the disappeared.
‘being at home alone with my mind makes my depressed head race’
NAPLES, Florida – Hundreds of Cubans gathered in south Florida on Tuesday to protest — not the lack of medical supplies in Cuba — but the brutal communist regime abusing their family and friends back home.
National Democrats hail fugitive Texas legislators as heroes, but they don’t want to say what they’d do if the Senate GOP tried the same ploy.
‘Arbitrary and wholly undemocratic’
Beto O’Rourke’s PAC, which is funding the D.C. trip, has already raised $526,000.
‘I am in awe of the work Pres. Biden and Dr.